v5.0.0 (September 00, 2022)
v5.0.0 contains breaking changes! I strongly recommend you test this update locally in a non-production environment before you apply it to your live site.
- If you use "theme compatibility mode," do not use this update.
- TheMAG 5 use Bootstrap 5, if you have used Bootstrap classes for customizations, check the Migrating to v5.
- Updated Drupal core and modules;
- Updated Thunder core and modules;
- Migrate to Bootstrap 5
- Improved CSS styles
- Added light and dark theme mode
- Added
for those who use Lando for development - Fix: MegaMenu PHP warnings
- Removed: RRSSB_buttons library
- Removed: theme compatibility mode.
- Removed:
admin theme - Removed: Waypoints Library
- Removed: StickyKit library in favor of CSS position sticky for sticky elements.
v4.4.0 (January 09, 2021)
- Updated Drupal core and modules;
- Updated Thunder core and modules;
- Compatibility with Composer 2;
- Fixed: Demo content module;
v4.3.0 (September 28, 2020)
- Updated core and modules;
- TheMAG Thunder version upgraded to Thunder 6 (Drupal 9);
- Multiple improvements to teaser template files that will simplify the usage of the theme with custom content types;
- The problem with nested menu items under the "User account menu" is fixed;
- The syle of the user account menu is improved;
- Minor CSS fixes and enhancements;
v4.2.0 (July 28, 2020)
- Drupal core updated to 9.0.2, as well as modules.
- Added new "Top Bar" component and two new regions suitable for simple menus, or a language switcher block.
- Added Composer-Managed Drupal 8.9 in the package since some customers use modules that are not yet ready for Drupal 9.
- Minor CSS fixes
- CSS was recompiled with the latest Bootstrap library v4.5
v4.1.1 (June 17, 2020)
- Drupal core updated to 9.0.0, as well as modules to their latest versions.
- Minor CSS fixes on the admin theme
- Added new slick.html.twig template file as a solution for this issue: Previous and next custom arrows not saving
v4.1.0 (May 27, 2020)
- Drupal core updated to 8.8.6, as well as modules to their latest versions.
- The theme and the custom modules are prepared and ready for Drupal 9.
- Added support for the Drupal 8 MegaMenu module since the TB Mega Menu was no longer maintained.
- TB Mega Menu is removed from the composer.json and the codebase.
- The problem with Commerce configuration import is solved.
- Minor CSS fixes are made to the base theme and the admin theme.
v4.0.3 (January 3, 2020)
- Drupal core updated to 8.8.1, as well as modules to their latest versions.
- Thunder updated to latest version 3.4.1.
- Added support for the Forum module.
- Added a Gallery Grid paragraph type in the Thunder package.
v4.0.2 (December 15, 2019)
- The Drupal core updated to 8.8.0, as well as modules to their latest versions.
- Improved configuration for new installations.
- CSS classes added to the social media icons for additional styling.
- New Admin theme added to improve the editing experience.
- A new theme option added, which will allow you to add a link on a search icon instead of having a togglable search form.
- Fixed: In some cases, TheMAG Layout module breaks the Drupal UI dialog widget.
- Drupal 7 theme removed from the package.
v4.0.1 (September 10, 2019)
- Drupal and modules updated to the latest versions.
- Minor configuration fixes for new installs
- Thunder package updated to the latest version - Thunder 3
- Added boilerplate template files to the sub-theme for using with custom content types.
- Documentation update on "Adjusting the theme for a custom content type."
v4.0.0 (July 9, 2019)
- Added full support for Drupal Layout Builder.
- Page Manager, Panels, and Panelizer modules are removed in favor of Drupal Layout Builder.
- Introduced TheMAG Layouts module which extends Drupal Layout Builder and comes with four super-configurable responsive section layouts, to help you build complex pages with ease.
- Custom Publishing Options are replaced with Entityqueue to simplify managing of Featured and Editor's Picks items.
- Minor CSS fixes
- Updated core and modules to the latest version
- New documentation added for TheMAG version 4.
v3.0.6 (May 7, 2019)
- Update: Drupal core to 8.7 for new installs.
- Update: Modules to the latest versions.
- Documentation update: Issues and Patches
- Fix: Article (node) preview.
v3.0.5 (April 12, 2019)
- Update: Drupal core to 8.6.14 for new installs.
- Update: Modules to the latest versions.
- Downgrade ctools, and panels module since this issue. If you like to use the latest versions of those modules, please consider applying patch #4 to Panelizer module.
- Fix: Notice: Undefined index: region_attributes in charm_preprocess_layout()
v3.0.4 (March 19, 2019)
- Update: Drupal core to 8.6.12 for new installs.
- Update: Modules to the latest versions.
- Fix: Call to a member function getExtension() when you use the base theme as a default theme.
- Fix: Panels and Panelizer modules are patched according to these issues: Change panels store, Change panelizer store.
v3.0.3 (March 3, 2019)
- Update: Drupal core to 8.6.10 for new installs
- Update: Modules to the latest versions
- Fix: Security fix in Drupal 8.6.10 prevents demo import.
v3.0.2 (February 7, 2019)
- New: The Font Awesome library has removed from the package, and now is loaded from CDN.
- Update: Font Awesome library to 5.7.1
- Fix: Font Awesome hashtags are missing in the footer's taxonomy tags.
- Fix: Gallery grid doesn't show image captions.
v3.0.1 (February 6, 2019)
- New: Added support for composer-managed Drupal projects with ready-made composer.json
- New: Added support for composer-managed Thunder projects with ready-made composer.json
- Update: Installation instructions.
- Update: Drupal core to 8.6.7 for new installs
- Update: Modules to the latest versions
v3.0.0 (October 23, 2018)
- Added support for Drupal Thunder distribution. The theme is now fully compatible with Thunder.
- Added support for core Media module
- Added support for Poll module
- Added support for TB Mega Menu module
- Added support for QuickTabs module
- Added support for MailChimp module
- Added support for Panelizer module
- Added new theme settings
- Added sticky support for all header styles
- Added 6 new layouts which can be used with Page Manager and Panelizer
- Added new Center Mode slider style
- Added new Two Columns slider style
- Added two new Featured Grid layouts
- Created new home page layouts
- Improved Mobile Responsiveness
- Improved CSS styles
- Added new and simple HTML markup for teasers which allows you to use fields as row style in views instead of content
- Added Bootstrap responsive variation to some CSS classes to allow easily creation of responsive content grids
- Improved SCSS structure and added new compiling strategy for those who wish to recompile the style
- The Commerce modules are removed for new installs to simplify the Drupal maintenance for those who don't have Composer.
- Updated Bootstrap library to v4.1.3
- Updated Font Awesome library to v5.4 and loaded from CDN
- Created new OnLine documentation for Drupal 8 theme
v2.1.6 (September 20, 2018)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.6.1
- Updated: Drupal modules to the latest version.
v2.1.5 (April 27, 2018)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.5.3
- Updated: Drupal modules to the latest version.
v2.1.4 (April 1, 2018)
- New: Implemented smart image crop for new installs.
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.5.1
- Updated: Drupal modules to the latest version.
v2.1.3 (March 8, 2018)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.5.0
- Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
- New: Optimizing theme performance and bandwidth usage: Featured items and slider can now use Image Style Presets.
- Fix: Site crashes after deleting Comment field
- Minor style fixes
- Documentation update (How to uninstall commerce modules)
v2.1.2 (January 15, 2018)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.4.4
- Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
- Fix: Double slashes in the user-action-menu links.
- Fix: Missing Google+ icon in the header social menu.
- Fix: Missing page title on a Contact Page.
- Fix: Page title in page--user.html.twig should be wrapped with
{% block title %}
v2.1.1 (December 6, 2017)
- New: Improving of UI and usability on primary and secondary tabs on small a devices.
- Update: Drupal modules to the latest version.
- Fix: Overlapping of sticky header with featured items and featured slider.
- Fix: Overlapping of sticky header with sticky sidebar.
- Fix: Sticky header hides behind administration toolbar.
- Couple of of CSS tweaks
v2.1 (November 20, 2017)
- New: Drupal Commerce 2 integration.
- New: Created shop page.
- New: Created product page.
- New: Created an user dashboard for authenticated users.
- New: Authors page are now moved to /author instead of /user.
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.4.2
- Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
- Updated: Documentation
- Dozens of other improvement.
v2.0.3 (October 16, 2017)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.4
- Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
- Updated: Bootstrap to v4.0.0-beta
- Updated: Plugins and libraries so tay can be compatible with Drupal 8.4
- Updated: Documentation
- Added subtheme which will be used as a default theme
- Added new theme settings
- Social and user menu are moved in the theme settings
- Reorganized and refactored some of template files
- Update all template files to be compatible with Bootstrap 4 beta
- CSS files are reorganised, and follows a SMACSS-style categorization
- Improved header UI & UX, especial on a smaller devices
- Added responsive typography
- Other improvements
v2.0.2 (July 23, 2017)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.3.5
- Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
- Add new: metatag module for better SEO
- Add new: slick_views module
- Add new: token module
- New feature: Featured content slider.
- New feature: Tags below posts.
- Fix: Title size on smaller devices in "Post layout 1".
- Fix: Removed unnecessary template.php file in SUBTHEMEKIT.
v2.0.1 (July 2, 2017)
- Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.3.4
- Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
- Fix: Possible scrolling problem on smaller devices caused by the sticky sidebars.
- Fix: Never ending scroll caused by the sticky sidebars.
- Add new: themag.breakpoints.yml to the theme.
- Add new: template for details (fieldsets) and select field.
- Add new: template for user registration and user password forms.
- Tuning: Override the base library of a Classy subtheme.