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Changelog v1.6.0 (January 9, 2021) Updated Drupal core and modules; Updated Thunder core and modules; Compatibility with Composer 2; Fixed: Demo content module; v1.5.0 (September 23, 2020) Drupal core updated to version 9 Thunder updated to version 6, which runs on Drupal 9 core. v1.4.2 (July 19, 2020) Updated Drupal core to 8.9, Thunder, as well as modules to their latest versions. Minor CSS fixes on the admin theme Fix: The latest version of the Masonry API module breaks the theme Masonry grid. Added new slick.html.twig template file as a solution for this issue: Previous and next custom arrows not saving v1.4.1 (May 30, 2020) Drupal core updated to 8.8.6, as well as modules to the latest versions. The theme and custom modules are prepared and ready for Drupal 9. Added support for the Drupal 8 MegaMenu module since the TB Mega Menu is no longer maintained. TB Mega Menu is removed from the composer.json and the codebase. The problem with Commerce configuration import is solved. v1.4.0 (January 6, 2020) Drupal core updated to 8.8.1, as well as the modules to their latest versions. Thunder updated to the latest version 3.4.1. Bootstrap grid and utilities updated to version 4.4.1 New Admin theme added to improve the editing experience. Added support for the Forum module. Multiple CSS and JavaScripts improvements. Multiple configuration improvements for new installs. Applied patch #19 to Drupal core form issue "Contextual links double trigger ". This patch solves the problem with the contextual links. v1.3.6 (September 9, 2019) Drupal and modules updated to the latest versions. Minor configurational fixes for new installs Thunder package updated to the latest version - Thunder 3 Added boilerplate template files to the sub-theme for using with custom content types. Dropped support for standard Thunder installation. From this version and on, Thunder can be installed only with a composer. Documentation update on "Adjusting the theme for a custom content type ." v1.3.5 (May 10, 2019) Update: Drupal core to 8.7.1 for new installs. Update: Modules to the latest versions. Fix: Node/Article preview. Fix: Improving the footer menu for small displays v1.3.4 (April 12, 2019) Update: Drupal core to 8.6.14 for new installs. Update: Modules to the latest versions. Update: Font Awesome library to v5.8.1. New: Added page--node--panelized.html.twig template file. This template will override the default page template on all panelized nodes. Fix: Minor CSS fixes. Downgrade ctools, and panels module since this issue . If you like to use the latest versions of those modules, please consider applying patch #4 to Panelizer module. v1.3.3 (March 18, 2019) Update: Drupal core to 8.6.12 for new installs. Update: Modules to the latest versions. Fix: Call to a member function getExtension() when you use the base theme as a default theme. Fix: Panels and Panelizer modules are patched according to these issues: Change panels store , Change panelizer store . v1.3.2 (March 4, 2019) Update: Drupal core to 8.6.10 for new installs Update: Modules to the latest versions Fix: A security fix in Drupal 8.6.10 prevents demo import. Fix: Notice: Undefined index: base_path in em_preprocess() v1.3.1 (January 23, 2019) New: Added support for composer-managed Drupal projects with ready-made composer.json New: Added support for composer-managed Thunder projects with ready-made composer.json Update: Installation instructions for composer-managed sites. Update: Drupal core to 8.6.7 for new installs Update: Modules to the latest versions Fix: Incorrect path to logo image on a multilingual site. Fix: Social icons in the footer are not aligned at center v1.3.0 (November 4, 2018) Added support for Poll module. Added support for MailChimp module. Added 3 Featured Grid layouts. Added 3 new Homepage Layouts. Added 6 new regions on the Homepage layout. Added Bootstrap responsive variation to grid layouts. Removed dependency for Twig Field Value and Twig Tweak module. Drupal Commerce is removed for new installs to simplify the maintenance of non commerce Drupal sites. Updated Bootstrap library to v4.1.3. Updated Documentation New Demo Page v1.2.2 (October 14, 2018) Fixed few JavaScript issues Improved CSS for IE Improved IE 11 compatibility Bootstrap updated to version 4.1.3 Font Awesome library updated to version 5.4 and now loading from CDN Modules updated to the latest version v1.2.1 (October 5, 2018) Drupal updated to 8.6.1 Modules updated to the latest version v1.2.0 (July 12, 2018) Thunder Compatibility Improvement: Improved template files and styles to ensure the Thunder compatibility. Documentation: Added instructions for installing EM theme and features on a Thunder distribution. v1.1.0 (July 5, 2018) New Feature: Added Mega Menu. New Feature: Added Sticky header functionality. New Feature: Color module integration. Now the theme colors can be changed using Color module UI. Improvement: The template files for the Teasers are rewrite from the scratch to provide easy theme customization. Improvement: Added template for Error pages (403 & 404). Improvement: Added template for Maintenance page. Improvement: Added LinkedIn in the header's social media pages menu. Improvement: The uppercase on the headlines is removed. Fix: Social media links/icons on the author's page remains visible even if the link field is empty. Update: Bootstrap updated to v4.1.1. Update: Drupal core and Modules updated to the latest version. v1.0.0 (April 11, 2018)